Acclimating Imported Plants

Published on 21 April 2023 at 18:33

When importing important plants from other countries, it is really important to consider how we are going to acclimatise them from their native environment into our homes. Unfortunately just popping them in some substrate on a windowsill if often not going to be enough. They will need some degree of rehabilitation and acclimatisation to recover from their journey. Imported plants needs weeks, and in some cases months to acclimate to their new environment.


First step - Receiving your plants

Most plants from Indonesia, Ecuador and other tropical countries will come with the root ball wrapped in Sphagnum moss, and then plastic wrap. It is important to gently remove the sphagnum moss,

Second step - ROOTS

Undoubtedly there will be some roots that have not survived the long journey, it is important to snip off any rotten roots. These can be easily identified as they will most likely be brown and squishy. Clean the scissors in between snips with hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol or even fire to limit the spread of rot onto healthy roots. 

Third step - Drink

You may need a drink by this point, but of course I am talking about the plants. A lot of people recommend adding Superthrive to the plants first bath. Fill up a sink, the bath or a plastic tub with warm(ish) water and add in the superthrive, whack all of the roots in and wait for at least an hour but anywhere up to 24 hours is fine. 

Fourth step - Potting up

I would recommend Sphagnum moss for potting up your freshly imported plants, Sphagnum retains a lot of moisture, it is also normally sterile so a super safe environment for the fragile roots. Soak the sphag right through, and then give it a good squeeze so it's not sopping wet - just damp. You can pot up into any small pot of your choosing, I prefer aroid pots or orchid pots as they are clear, and you'll be able to see the new root growth without disturbing the plant too much,

Fifth Step - HUMIDITY

The majority of plants that you import will have originated from extremely humid countries, therefore they are going to need high humidity to acclimatise. You can use a grow tent, and ikea cabinet, or even two plastic storage boxes one stacked on top of the other (with the top box being upside down). In a grow tent or ikea cabinet you can use a humidifier, if you are using the box hack then you can layer a few inches of damp sphagnum moss as a bottom layer and this will keep the environment fairy humid. Make sure the environment is WARM also, not too hot, and not too cold!


The last point is you will need to be patient with the plants if you are lifting them out of moss every couple of days to check this will have an adverse affect on the root growth. Try looking in through the sides of the clear containers if you really can't wait to sneak a peek.


If you haven't imported yet, and this post has got you wondering HOW to import, check out our information page 


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