Bioactive Enclosures by Josh

What to expect when you're expecting... BUGS

Josh has kept numerous species of isopods with ranging requirements, and he has also set up many bioactive terrariums. Adding springtails and woodlice to his terrariums has been so helpful in terms of reducing maintenance and improving the overall health of the biomes.

Believe it or not, the circle of life includes bugs, and you can replicate that within your terrarium. These tiny creatures play a massive role within their eco systems, which would collapse without them. Did you know that they could actually be the saviours that your terrarium needs?


These types of buds can help to reduce moulding, clean up animal waste, eat decaying matter that would otherwise attract mites and other pests. Don't forget that bugs can give your plants the occasional nibble, but this doesn't happen often.


They will feed off of the substrate mix, as well as the decay, however it is important for their health that they receive a calcium source and fruit/veg supplement. Different species will compete with each other for resources, so be mindful of this when thinking of mixing species. One benefit is that they will also compete with pests such as grain mites.


Once set-up/established their requirements are easy to meet. However, if not maintained isopod populations will dwindle. Depending on the style of terrarium used, some may escape (spring tails most certainly will)! This is no cause for concern as they will merely move to another tank/plant to continue their duties.


Warning - They are a very cute and addictive addition!


  • Research thoroughly before purchasing
  • You will not be able to use chemicals or pesticides in a terrarium with a bug population
  • Remember to remove uneaten fruit and veg to avoid attracting pests
  • They are susceptible to drowning in water sources (with the exception of springtails)

Recommended easy isopod species:

  • Springtails
  • Dwarf Whites
  • Dwarf Purples
  • Dairy Cows
  • Oranges

Why do we need these micro gardeners?

Terrariums are made with the idea of replicating a little slice of nature in your home, so it only makes sense that this includes bugs right? Everything in nature has a job to do. Micro Fauna have one of the most important jobs there is. Alongside Mycelium, they aid in the breakdown and reuse of biological waste such as decaying plant matter. This process has a beneficial chain reaction for the eco system, for creating healthy and fertile soil for your plants to grow into.

I'm not sure about creepy crawlies...

Isopods used for bioactive terrariums are harmless to you and your pets.

Did you know that a woodlouse's nickname is a 'roly poly'? They're adorable when they tuck into a protective ball. How can you be scared of these mini armadillos?

Where can I purchase from?

There are a number of reputable businesses and other sources for obtaining isopods within the UK. However I implore you to do your research before acquiring any, as they are a living creature with specific needs. What I can tell you, is that they are 100% worth it!