Importing Plants from outside of the UK


It is your responsibility to ensure that you are importing plants from reputable, ethical and sustainable sources. Plant poaching involves the illegal removal of rare and endangered plants from their natural habitats. Illegal plant poaching can occur anywhere in the world when plants are taken with no regard to the laws and regulations which have been created to protect the plant. A number of collectible ornamental plants are now endangered in their natural habitat due to the high demand of Western Countries to obtain these plants for their collection.

There are so many people who have looked into importing plants from outside of the UK, I am going to try and simplify this for anyone who wants to import for the first time.

Importing from non-EU countries (excluding Thailand)

Step 1 - Know what you're getting yourself in to

Know what Identify the plants that you wish to purchase, you may see a plant that you just can't get hold of in the UK, or you may have been approached by an ornamental plant seller from another country with incredible prices. The main points that you will need to remember, is the prices that you are quoted may seem very inexpensive, but there area additional fee's to consider. Such as tax (which will be charged based on the invoice amounts from your seller), Animal Plant & Health Agency Inspection fees (last time I imported this was £198 per phytosanitary certificate), plus the cost of shipping which the seller will set.

Step 2 - Finding a reputable seller

Finding a reputable seller can be difficult, ideally I'd recommend you work on recommendations from someone you know who has previously imported. This isn't always possible. You can check social media and feedback for the sellers name, ask them to send you closer pictures of the plants. Ask how they will package the plants ready for shipment. Most importantly, when you pay, make sure you pay via Paypal Goods & Services, if something goes wrong then you are covered this way. If the seller is adamant they will only take money transfer, this can be a red flag - walk away.

Step 3 - What you need to do to import into the UK

If you've found a fantastic seller, and you're ready to go ahead and buy, there are a few things you will need to do first. You will have to ensure that the seller can provide a phytosanitary certificate. A phytosanitary certificate verifies agricultural products have been inspected and are pest and disease free (“phyto”meaning “plant” and “sanitary” meaning “clean” or free from pests and diseases). The seller will need to be able to supply this for your plants to enter the country. This can take a couple of weeks (remember - importing plants can be quite a lengthy process!)

You will need to register with PEACH  Registration is free, but PEACH registration does require a government gateway log in, so you'll be prompted to create one as part of the process. Once you've completed all of the above, you're ready to pay the seller and for your items to be shipped.

*Please note this paragraph has been written based on my last experience of importing in 2021, there have been some updates and once I have completed the process myself I will update here

Step 4 - The process

The seller will send off your plants (normally via DHL). They will include an invoice,  and the phytosanitary certificate. You'll need to pre-notify DHL that you are expecting a plant import,  you can send them an e-mail here you will also need to let Peach know that you're expecting an import, you can give them the DHL shipping number

What should happen next, is that DHL should get linked to your peach account, and pre-notify Peach of the import. Sometimes this doesn't happen magically in the background and you will end up chasing both parties until it is resolved.
Once your plant lands in the UK, DHL will generate a VAT bill based on the costs specified in your invoice. You will need ot pay this customs bill ASAP. The plants will then be moved over to APHA for inspection. Their website states this takes place in 4 hours, but I have previously waited 8 days+ for a plant inspection. Once your plants are inspected (if everything is fine) they will be released back to DHL for delivery. The inspection will generate a bill of around £198, and this bill will be posted to your house 4-6 weeks after the inspection.

*Please note this paragraph has been written based on my last experience of importing in 2021, there have been some updates and once I have completed the process myself I will update here

Step 5 - Receiving your plants

Finally you will receive your plants, in most cases they will look rather limp and sad, and may be quite cold to the touch depending on the time of year. Let them warm slowly to their new environment, and carefully unpack the roots. Cut off any dead roots, and leave only healthy growing roots. The plants will be very dehydrated so it is ideal to let them sit in water for 4 hours plus. A lot of importers will chose to soak the entire plant, and even add Superthrive to the water to give them some additional TLC. Once you have rehydrated the plant you can pop into a substrate of your choosing, I personally prefer moss for this task. Once they are potted in substrate it is important to keep them warm and humid - they are used to an extremely different climate! I normally use plastic storage tubs with a layer of sphagnum moss at the bottom, lid on, and it's own light source. In the majority of cases it will take between 4 weeks - 4 months to properly acclimatize an imported plant.

Importing from Thailand

Importing from Thailand can be surprisingly easy, once you find a reputable seller just ask if they ship using Dragon Courier. Dragon Courier cover all inspections, and importing so there is absolutely no paperwork to worry about to import plants into the UK - they take care of absolutely everything.

Importing from Ecuador

Importing from Ecuagenera, based in Ecuador is also very easy, they cover all import fees and arrange shipping, so once again there is no paperwork for you to complete! Don't forget, the plants will still need acclimatising so will take lots of TLC once received.

Important Links